Building a Compiler


Hello! I decide I would build a compiler from scratch and document my journey. I graduated from Brigham Young University in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. I immediately went to work at Hewlett Packard in their Server Division until I switched to their Networking Department in 2014. I work in the embedded system space and am a firmware engineer. I do all my development in vim on ubuntu.



I've done some quick googling and have decided to start by reading/skimming "Basics of Compiler Design" by Torben Mogensen. I recently lost my home linux machine to work so I also need to figure out where I want to do my development.
-May 3, 2016

I'm going to start with the Lexical Analysis phase. I believe the first step will be pre-processing, specifically dealing with including headers and macros. This will create the equivalent .i file generated from gcc when provided with the -E option. I've begun posting my work at github.
-May 17, 2016